Terms & Condition


This website/profile is operated by OnTrackYou (A Brand of Multipurpose Manpower Support Services). Throughout the site/profile, the terms “we,” “our,” “us,” and “company” refer to OnTrackYou. The company may change and amend these terms & conditions along with the refund policy from time to time as per the requirement in its sole discretion, and without any prior notice to its existing customers, users, website visitors, or any other person like vendors, merchants, contributors or anyone relatable by uploading the updated Terms and Condition on the company website. By visiting our profile/website or purchasing something from us, you agree with the following Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to all or some Terms and Conditions mentioned here, the company will not be liable to pay any refund or provide any replacement for its products or services. It applies to all the current products and services and the products and services that will be added in the future. OnTrackYou reserves the right to update/change/delete/replace any part of the Terms and Conditions without prior intimation. It is the user’s (here, you) responsibility to check the Terms and Conditions from time to time. Your use or access to any of our services or products constitutes your acceptance of our all Terms and Conditions.

Privacy and Access

You can go through our Privacy & Policy page on the website to understand our practices and how your data is used when you visit the website or enter/provide your personal information on the website or to us directly or indirectly. OnTrackYou does not give any rights to any other person who relates or does not relate to the company by any means to sell/resell the company’s products or services. OnTrackYou provides you to access the content of this website for your personal use and not to modify, download, or use the whole site or any portion of it commercially without the company’s written consent. We are not responsible or liable to provide any compensation or benefits or pay the penalty if any information provided on-site or other company’s resources is not latest, complete, or accurate. OnTrackYou does not approve any commercial use of the product listings, images, company logo, or any other website information or company details by any person, browser, software, website, application, or any other source who does not have written permission from the company authorities. You are not allowed to use any technique to use/claim any logo, trademark, images, content, HTML, source code, CSS, meta tags, hidden texts, and other information published on the website and other company resources in the form of print or digital content. Any unauthorized use of such information will fall under the company’s legal rights, which may result in the cancellation of orders, access, or other penalties or punishment that comes under the law of ownership of the company. OnTrackYou reserves the full rights to terminate any service or order to anyone for any reason at any time without any prior notice. The information provided here should be taken as the only source to make any decision to purchase any service or product or claim any benefits or raise complaints without consulting the company. All the content provided on the site is for your reference only. OnTrackYou holds the right to change any information at any time, and you must not have any obligation upon updating any information on the site. It is your responsibility to confirm the product or service value and benefits before confirming the order or purchasing anything from the company.

Cancelation/Refund & Replacement

The booking amount is non-refundable under any circumstances. Once the order is placed and confirmed, it cannot be cancelled. If you still want to cancel your order, unfortunately, we cannot provide you with any refund on the booking amount. If you’re going to change the ordered product, you can contact the sales and support team to check the possibility of transferring your booking amount. The company will not refund the total or part payments in any situation. We advise to pay remaining amount of the order, if any, before the dispatch of the order from our warehouse. No order will be dispatched until the remaining amount is paid. You are advised to pay the remaining amount in the given time frame. Our representatives will do their best to give you remainders for remaining payments, but it is not our or any individual’s, who is associated with OnTrackYou, holds the responsibility to provide you reminders for payment or make follow ups. It is your responsibility to pay the remaining amount in time. If that does not happen, and we do not receive the remaining amount in the given deadline, we can cancel the order at any time without prior notification. No refund, replacement, or any time of entertainment will be provided for cancelled orders, in any case. And, You are aggreging with these terms unconditionally. The replacement policy is valid for seven working days from your purchase. After the replacement policy deadline has ended, we can’t provide you with a product exchange. So, to be eligible for the product replacement, you must raise a complaint to the customer care department and get your replacement ID. The product should be in the same condition that you received it to be eligible for the replacement. No refund will be provided for damaged goods or if you want to cancel the order. The product must be in its original packaging and sent to the company’s address mentioned on the website at your cost. The company will not pay any price for the transport charged for the items sold or replacement items. Some goods do not come under the replacement policy. These goods include but are not limited to any wearable items, software, personal health & care items, electrics parts, installation/service tools, oils & other lubrication liquids, discontinued products and services, gift items, gift vouchers, complementary products & services, products sold as part of the campaign or sale, and packaging material. If you are shipping back any items over the INR500 order amount, you must send it through an excellent trackable shipping service and share the tracking ID/receipt with the customer care department. You need to provide proof of purchase to be eligible for the replacement. The company has the final authority to decide whether the product is suitable for replacement or not. Once the eligible replacement product is received at our warehouse, your replacement process will start. Depending on the product type, your location, and like COVID pandemic or other situation, it will take some days to reach you.

Price Changes

OnTrackYou holds the absolute right to change the product prices at any time. We periodically run offers and campaigns where you may find a sudden drop in the product’s pricing. If you have already purchased that product or service before or after that campaign or sale, you are not liable to claim any amount of difference for your order. We reserve the right to stop/start any campaign/sell or change the equipment or service prices without any prior notice in any form.

Product or Service Availability

The OnTrackYou team puts all possible efforts into providing complete and accurate information about the products and services provided by the company. However, we do not promise that the images about the equipment displayed on the website or any other platform are accurate in terms of dimensions, details, colours, or any other parameter. The company has the right to limit the service or sale of the products to a person, company, region, or jurisdiction. We also hold the right to restrict the number of products or access to any service or benefit offered. It may be practiced and changed case to case. We have the right to discontinue the cardio or strength equipment model at any time without any notice. Any offer or benefits provided as part of a campaign or on the site or other resources is void wherever applicable and prohibited. The company does not guarantee that the look, quality, finishing, information, material, usage, or maintenance of the service or product obtained or purchased by you from us will be exactly as your expectations. It is also not promised that any fault or error in the service or product will be rectified without any primary consult of the company.

Billing and Account

OnTrackYou reserves the right of refusing any order you place with us for any reason. In its sole discretion, the company may limit or cancel the whole or some part of the order placed by a person, company, system, government or private agencies, and other entities. It is applicable to repeat customers and/or repeat payment methods, repeat location, repeat order quantity, or anything relatable. In cancelling the order, we may try to reach you through any of your details like email, phone, or address provided at the time of the order placed. OnTrackYou holds the right to limit or cancel the order that, in our only conclusion, is set by a reseller, distributor, or vendor without our consent.
You, as a customer/vendor/service provider/any other person or entity associated with OnTrackYou by any means, agree to provide correct and complete information about your purchase and account details unconditionally.

Third-Party Tools Access

We may provide access to third-party applications or other tools as part of the order/package you purchased from us. We want to clarify that OnTrackYou does not control or input on such third-party tools. You accept and acknowledge that all such tools or benefits offered by us are provided “as is” and “as available.” It does not cover any warranty, condition, representation, or replacement from OnTrackYou. OnTrackYou has no liability if any issue has been raised or come across by using such third-party tools. You agree that you are using such tools at your own risk and discretion. You also agree that you have read all terms and conditions of the third-party tools and have your approval. During your visit to the website or other resources of OnTrackYou, you may come across third-party links which may redirect you to the third-party sites that are not affiliated with OnTrackYou. The company is not responsible by any means for the access and use of such third-party material or website, or other resources. OnTrackYou is not liable for any damage or harm caused to you in any way related to the purchase or use of services, products, content, or any other resources through these third-party websites, applications, tools, and other mediums. We recommend going through all rules, policies, terms & conditions from
Any such current or future services, benefits, tools, and/or features the company offers shall be subject to these terms and conditions. If you face any issues or have complaints, you should directly connect with the respective third party.

User Comment, Submission, and Feedback

Whether you send your information to us with or without a request from us, by email, message, contact form, call, comment, review, or any other medium, you agree that OnTrackYou can, anytime, in any way, without your consent can edit, copy, modify, delete, publish, distribute, translate, or make any other change in any medium or platform. The company is and will be under no obligation to pay any compensation for any information, maintain/delete/change/publish/use commercially any detail, or respond to any such information sent or received.
OnTrackYou has the complete authority to remove/flag/raise complaint any content that we, in our sole decision, find unlawful, threatening, offensive, pornographic, or violating any government rules or a person’s or company’s intellectual rights and property or these Terms and Conditions.
You also agree that your feedback, comment, or other information provided does not violate any third-party rights. It may include but is not limited to logo, trademark, privacy, copyright, personal and business information. You further agree that your comments, feedback, and other information-sharing does not contain any derogatory, unlawful, abusive, or offensive language or material, or contain or pass any malicious software, app, or virus that can affect the operation of the services related to the website, app, or any other tool of the company. The email, mobile number, address, and any further contact details provided by you are accurate and do not contain any false information. As a sole responsible, you have all liability for any information, comments, or details shared by you or any other third party.

Error, Mismatch, and Inaccuracy

There may be times where you find the information on our website, social media profiles, or other resources connected directly or indirectly with OnTrackYou that contain typographical errors, omissions, or incorrect detail about the product or service prices, benefits, specifications, offers, promotions, deals, transportation time and charges, availability, or any other additional advantages. OnTrackYou reserves the authority to correct/modify/delete/disagree with any such information or cancel the order without any prior notice or intimation if we, in our sole discretion, find any detail inaccurate in any service or product.
OnTrackYou does not undertake any obligation to amend, clarify, or update detail related to any service or product or any tool that include but is not limited to pricing, specifications, and more. When there is no specific refresh date or update displayed or applied in the website or any related sources, you should consider updating or modifying such details.

Warranty, Service, and Liability

OnTrackYou provides a reasonable warranty period at the time of purchase for any service or product. We do not give any guarantee or representation in any way that your use of our products or services will be error-free, secure, on-time, or uninterrupted. Also, we want to clarify that the results you obtain from the exercises on machines, cardio equipment, or using the services are not guaranteed to be accurate or reliable as it depends on many factors from person to person and usage. You agree that when you purchase or get any product or service or offer from us, we have the authority to remove the service for a certain period or cancel service any time without notice or intimation to anyone. You also unconditionally agree that you use the services and products of OnTrackYou at your own sole risk. All the products and services provided to you ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ without any representation, condition, or warranty of any kind, either mentioned or not mentioned, including the material specification, quality, purpose, durability, title, security, merchantability, and offer for your use only.
You agree to clear the servicing terms and conditions at the time of your purchase of any product/equipment and services from us as a part of your order or an offer.
In case of any injury, loss, or damage direct or indirect, of any kind, including but not limited to personal data, theft, lost revenue, cost of replacement, cost of transport, or any other damages, whether mentioned in the invoice, website and other resources or not mentioned, no one from our directors, management, employees, affiliates, dealers, agents, vendors, service providers or any person or entity associated with OnTrackYou by any means, is liable.


You are entirely agreeing to indemnify and defend OnTrackYou and all entities and persons associated with the company, directly or indirectly, from any claim, complaint, or demand, including but not limited to any fees for legal procedures made by any person or third-party entity because of or arising out of YOUR breach of the Terms and Conditions mentioned here or the violation from your side of any law or the terms of services of any third-party.

Transportation Availability, Cost, Duration

Order once placed cannot be cancelled for any reason. And no refund, replacement would be entertained for cancelled orders. You agree to clarify all the details from your end before placing the order. OnTrackYou or any persons or entities related directly or indirectly to the company are liable for any orders placed by mistake or cancelled later. OnTrackYou wants to clarify that the order will only be dispatched from our warehouse after the full payment. The timeline of dispatch would be as told by the representative via email, call, message, or by any medium to you can be changed or cancelled, in case of unavailability of products, transport partner, address mismatch, wrong address, unavailability of transport in your place, or the current situation at various locations in the country due to Government laws, natural disasters, or in the pandemic situation, or any other reason, without any prior notice or intimation to you. OnTrackYou is not liable to give any legal clarification or serve any refund or replacement for its products or services.
Whether it is the new order, replacement, or re-installation, the transportation cost will be paid by you only. OnTrackYou would not entertain any discount or other benefits in the price of transportation from our warehouse to the transport partner’s warehouse or your location. The OnTrackYou team tries to provide you with full support before and during the transportation phase. However, we are not responsible for any loss, theft, damage, or delay during the transportation of any product or service. Suppose we cannot find a proper transportation partner to deliver to your location. In that case, you are liable to provide the product or service from our warehouse and arrange transportation, on your sole responsibility, you. You or anyone cannot claim or complain about any loss or damage to the product or service once it has been dispatched from our warehouse. For all third-party transports, OnTrackYou does not take any responsibility for the cost or duration or destination location of the products or services purchased, replaced by you. The delivery time to your place, whether it is a new order or replacement, full-parcel or part-parcel, entirely depends on the mode of transport, availability of resources, including but not limited to products, workforce, packaging material, transport vehicle, and Government guidelines. OnTrackYou does not hold any accountability of delay, damage, miss, loss, theft, or any other harm or cost that happened during or after the transportation handled by us or any other third party.


If any of the Terms and Conditions mentioned here are void, unenforceable, or unlawful, then such establishment, however, would be mandatory to the fullest permitted by the applicable rules. The section that is not mandatory shall be considered to be cut off from these Terms and Conditions. This determination shall not distress any remaining establishment’s validity or/and enforceability.


These Terms and Conditions are applicable until unless terminated by you or us. In your case, it can be the cancellation of the order, wish not to use our services, or when you leave using our site, application, or other resources. In case, in our only conclusion, we found, or we suspect that you did not comply with any establishment, term, or anything from these Terms and Conditions, we can terminate the agreement at any time without any notification or prior notice to you or anyone else. As a sole person/entity, you will be liable to pay the remaining amount that is due up to and including the date of the termination of the agreement for the product or services you purchased from us.

Complete Agreement

You cannot claim any waiver for any provision in case of the failure from anyone or the company to exercise or implement that provision of the Terms and Conditions. Any other rules, policies, or operating terms mentioned or posted by us anywhere apart from these Terms and Conditions establish the complete agreement & understanding between you and us and allow you to use our services or products ‘as provided’ or ‘as mentioned at the time of purchase—no construction against the drafting party for any ambiguity in the explanation of these Terms and Conditions.

Governing Law

The Terms and Conditions mentioned here and any other agreement, contract, or rule provided/mentioned by us anywhere for the products and services provided to you shall be governed by and constructed by following the laws of India and jurisdiction of Vadodara, Gujarat.

Change in Terms and Conditions

You can visit this page at any time to check the current Terms and Conditions. However, OnTrackYou reserves the right to change, remove, or add any part or section of these Terms and Conditions at any time without any intimation. It is, as a user, your responsibility to check our site and profile from time to time for updates. In case any rule is not mentioned in these Terms and Conditions but mentioned or applied at the time of purchase or service, in any situation, it should be considered as a part of the Terms and Conditions and should be accepted unconditionally. No person or entity, browser, or system can claim for any financial or service or product reimbursement, without the prior consent of OnTrackYou, in any circumstances.

Contact Details

Any queries, doubts, questions, or clarifications for these Terms and Conditions should be sent to OnTrackYou on the mentioned email ID and address. The company reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to provide clarification for the questions or queries at our convenience and as per the last decision made by us.
OnTrackYou manufactures top-quality gym equipment in India for home and commercial use. We prioritize innovation and customer satisfaction. Let’s create your ideal gym!

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